Client Testimonials | Norris Legal Group | Criminal Defense Attorneys in Tarrant County

At Norris Legal Group, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional criminal defense services to our clients in Arlington, Fort Worth, and throughout Tarrant County, Texas. Our clients’ experiences speak volumes about our commitment to respecting people’s dignity, earning their trust, and fighting for their rights.

Read on to learn how Graham Norris and the firm have helped people overcome challenging legal situations and get back to living their lives.

Juan S.’s Story: Responsive and Understanding Representation

When Juan was falsely accused of a serious crime and facing a potentially long prison sentence, he didn’t know where to turn. Juan’s search for help led him to make numerous calls to law firms, desperately seeking someone who would listen and understand his predicament. He found Graham, and was immediately impressed. Graham was able to reduce the charge to a short, deferred probation.

Here’s what Juan had to say about working with Graham:

Prompt and Attentive Service

“Graham was the only one that called back on a Sunday. We called a whole bunch of people, but he called back. After we talked to him, he seemed very understanding and pretty honest.”

Excellent Communication

“Communication was good. Any questions I had, he answered them. If he didn’t call me right back, he usually would that same day.”

Personalized Attention

“He was really understanding and took the time to answer our questions. If we had some stuff we wanted to present to him, he made time to go to the office.”

Knowledgeable and Supportive

“He paid attention and just listened to my side of the whole thing. He was understanding, knowledgeable, and gave us ideas about what could happen and where to start off.”

Going Above and Beyond

“I have called him about other people to get some ideas on where to start. My sister-in-law had some issues, and he answered questions. He’s a really nice, really good guy.”

Positive Outcome

“With my case, we took a plea deal. It went very well and was a life-changing experience because it was a 50-50 chance.”

Wholehearted Recommendation

“I would definitely recommend him to anybody. I was very happy with him. I believe he did the best he could.”

Sherry’s Experience: Putting Clients at Ease

Sherry was shocked when she was accused of theft, leaving her feeling vulnerable and uncertain about her future. As she began researching defense attorneys, she was looking for more than just legal expertise – she needed someone who could understand her situation and guide her through this challenging time with compassion. After a simple phone call with Norris Legal Group, Sherry immediately started feeling better – and her case was eventually dismissed.

First Impressions Matter

“I was just researching. I called him and got a really good vibe. Meeting him in person made me feel even more at ease.”

Understanding and Reassuring

“When I was talking to him, he seemed really understanding of things, my situation, and what had happened. He basically made me feel at ease, like it wouldn’t really be a big issue.”

Efficient Case Management

“My case was taken care of really fast. When I did email him or text him, he was fast in responding back. He would even talk to me on the weekends.”

Courtroom Expertise

“I only had to go to court one time and didn’t even really have to be in the courtroom. He told me to wait outside, talked to the prosecutor, and got everything handled right then.”

Local Legal Network

“It seemed like he already knew everyone in the court really well. It was good that he was very knowledgeable and well-known around the courthouse with the prosecutor and judge. I think that really helped me out also.”

Life-Changing Results

“It really took a big weight off my back and let me get on with my life. I could get back to making future work and vacation plans, and plans with my family. It gave me peace of mind knowing that yes, I will be there for my mom’s doctors’ appointments.”

Strong Endorsement

“I would definitely recommend him to any of my friends looking for an attorney.”

Mr. Avila’s Journey: Finding Strength in Competent Representation

Mr. Avila’s life took an unexpected and terrifying turn when he found himself facing a serious charge that could have resulted in a long period in prison. As a teacher with a Christian upbringing, this situation was his “worst nightmare.” Overwhelmed by shock and fear, Mr. Avila needed not just a lawyer, but a compassionate guide through the most challenging period of his life. His search led him to Norris Legal Group, and ultimately his charge was reduced to a misdemeanor with probation.

A Referral in a Time of Need

“It was by word of mouth. Another teacher friend of mine knew of him. We heard a lot of good things about him, and he’s been around for a while. Of course, my situation was the worst nightmare possible for me.”

A Welcoming Environment

“When I pulled up to his office, I said a quick prayer and went in. It was a completely different environment than other lawyers I’d talked to – a good feeling being there.”

Clear Communication and Expertise

“Graham broke it down for me. No one else really explained the scenario. He said, ‘Here’s what’s basically going to happen if you decide to go with me.’ He was the only one who did that.”

Navigating Complex Legal Situations

“When I was initially arrested, there were a lot of details that weren’t given to me. Graham dealt with different prosecutors, and ultimately, the DA and grand jury decided this wasn’t something that needed to go to trial.”

Achieving Favorable Outcomes

“The day I showed up, I found out it was going to be just a misdemeanor. It was huge news. I knew this was a massive win.”

Trustworthy and Responsive Representation

“The sense of comfort knowing he had it taken care of was incredible. He never gave me false hopes. He was very straightforward. Anytime I needed to get a hold of him, he would respond, even texting me when he was in court to let me know he’d call back.”

A Grateful Client

“He had all the paperwork ready for me. I trust him, and he helped me get through it.”

Why Choose Norris Legal Group?

As these testimonials demonstrate, our clients value our:

  1. Responsiveness and availability
  2. Clear communication and honesty
  3. In-depth legal knowledge
  4. Strong local court relationships
  5. Compassionate and understanding approach
  6. Ability to achieve favorable outcomes

Contact Norris Legal Group

A photo of Norris Legal Group founder Graham Norris sitting in a courtroom.

If you’re facing criminal charges in Tarrant County, don’t wait. Contact Norris Legal Group today for a consultation and experience the difference of working with a dedicated, experienced criminal defense team.

Downtown Fort Worth Office

Wells Fargo Tower
201 Main Street (Suite 600) Fort Worth, TX 76102
